Pastor Jon's Complete
Through-the-Bible Teachings
in MP3 Audio Format on a
USB Flash Drive
This flash drive contains Pastor Jon's teachings through the entire Bible (Genesis through Revelation) in MP3 audio format. There are over 1200 teachings which include Jon's verse by verse exposition of the Bible as well as the Sunday sermons which take a more in-depth look at a section of the Scripture from the verse-by-verse study.
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Notice how Abram emerged from Egypt a wiser man, for here he shows directness. That is, he goes to Lot and deals with the issue directly. “There’s strife between our herdsmen,” he says, “and the heathen are watching us fighting. It ought not be.” Such is often the case today. Christians fight and bicker while the world watches and wonders. It ought not be.
Notice also Abram’s deference. He doesn’t place blame on Lot. He says, “Let there be no strife between me and thee, between my herdsmen and thy herdsmen.” While he will assume the secondary position when it comes to choosing the land, Abram assumes the primary position when it comes to shouldering responsibility for the problem.
Notice finally Abram’s discernment when he says, “We be brethren.” In other words, “There is more that unites us than divides us. Sure, there are some complications with the cattle and some hassles with the herdsmen, but we’re brothers.”
How we need to realize the truth of this within the Christian community, in our country, and around the world. Because we all embrace the person and work of our Lord Jesus, there is more that unites us than could possibly divide us. If there’s a “Lot” in your life who is causing a lot of problems, follow Abram’s example, and see how peace will follow you.